Adding Supersoil to your Slurry brings multiple benefits. Just 1kg of Supersoil is sufficient to treat up to 50,000 gallons of slurry.

To apply, you simply mix the 1kg of Supersoil with water in a bucket and pour it into the tank when it is nearly empty. The advantage of adding it to a nearly empty tank is that it allows the Supersoil to establish and grow within the tank as the slurry is being added, ensuring an even distribution throughout.

Incorporating Supersoil into your slurry does more than just enhance its nutrient content. Test results have shown that adding Supersoil can increase your nitrogen (N) content by 27%, phosphorus (P) by 36%, and potassium (K) by 79%. This means you're getting more value from every gallon of slurry, with significantly increased nutrient levels.

Additionally, one of the practical benefits of adding Supersoil to your slurry is that it makes the slurry easier to agitate. This is because the Supersoil helps to break down and homogenise the solid components of the slurry, creating a more uniform mixture that's easier to stir and spread. This not only makes handling and applying the slurry more straightforward but can also lead to more consistent and effective distribution of nutrients when applied to the land. Ultimately, by using Supersoil, you're enhancing the efficiency and value of your slurry, making it a more potent and manageable resource for your agricultural needs.

Buy SUPERSOIL direct from the people who make it

Independent Scientific Testing

Supersoil is scientifically tested and proven to work. It is simple to use, economical, and highly effective. We'll let the numbers do the talking:

0 %
More Beneficial Bacteria
0 %
More Beneficial Fungi
0 %
More Beneficial Protists

Why choose Supersoil?

How do I add Supersoil to my slurry?

To add Supersoil to your slurry effectively, follow these steps to ensure proper mixing and maximum benefit: 1kg of Supersoil is enough to treat up to 50,000 gallons of slurry.

Prepare a Mixture: Take 1KG of  Supersoil and mix it with water in a large bucket. Ensure it's thoroughly mixed and dissolved. 

Add to the Slurry Tank: When your slurry tank is nearly empty, pour the Supersoil mixture into it. Adding it to a nearly empty tank is crucial because it allows the Supersoil to distribute more evenly as the tank fills up again.

Allow Time for Activation: Please ensure that the Supersoil is given at least 90 days to act within the tank. This duration is crucial as it allows the microbes present in the Supersoil sufficient time to become active, breaking down organic matter and enriching the slurry's nutrient content. Additionally, this period facilitates complete penetration and integration of the Supersoil throughout the slurry, ensuring that its benefits are fully realised.

Apply Your Enhanced Slurry: Use the slurry as you normally would. With the added benefits of Supersoil, it should be easier to spread, and your land will benefit from the increased nutrients and improved soil health.

By following these steps, you'll enhance the quality and effectiveness of your slurry, making it a more valuable resource for your agricultural needs.

Kan ik Supersoil gebruiken in combinatie met rundveedrijfmest voor agrarische doeleinden?

Ja, Supersoil kan effectief naast veedrijfmest worden gebruikt om de bodemvruchtbaarheid te verbeteren en een gezonde plantengroei te bevorderen. De combinatie van de organische stof en voedingsstoffen van Supersoil met het voedingsrijke gehalte van rundveedrijfmest kan een goed afgeronde benadering van bodemverrijking bieden, wat leidt tot verbeterde opbrengsten en bodemgezondheid.

Welke voordelen kan ik verwachten als ik Supersoil combineer met rundermest?

Het combineren van Supersoil met runderdrijfmest kan tot een synergetisch effect leiden. De organische stof en micro-organismen in Supersoil verbeteren de bodemstructuur, terwijl de voedingsstoffen in de mest bijdragen aan de plantenvoeding. Dit kan resulteren in een verhoogde microbiële activiteit, een betere beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen en een betere algehele bodemvruchtbaarheid, wat leidt tot gezondere en productievere gewassen.

Zijn er voorzorgsmaatregelen die ik moet nemen als ik Supersoil en runderdrijfmest samen gebruik?

Hoewel het samen gebruiken van Supersoil en runderdrijfmest nuttig kan zijn, is het belangrijk om overdosering van beide componenten te voorkomen. Voer bodemtests uit om de nutriëntenniveaus te beoordelen en overmatige nutriëntenbelasting te voorkomen, wat zou kunnen leiden tot onevenwichtigheden of milieuproblemen. Zorg er bovendien voor dat beide stoffen op de juiste manier worden gemengd of verwerkt om een ​​uniforme verdeling te bereiken en de gecombineerde voordelen ervan te maximaliseren. Volg altijd de lokale regelgeving en best practices voor verantwoord landbouwbeheer.

Ending Chemical Corruption

100% Organic Certified

Supersoil is certified by the Irish Organic Association ( Ref: 8147 ) as a 100% organic and natural product. It is acceptable for use under EU organic systems and is also suitable for global export.

Supersoil's elite microbes are not genetically modified in any way while the growth booster is a 100% natural product that’s the equivalent of 20 tons of organic compost.

As Supersoil contains no animal by-products it is suitable for vegan farming and growing systems. Supersoil can also be used by non-organic farmers to dramatically reduce their use of chemical fertilisers.