Transform Your Compost

With a Compost Accelerator Powered by Nature
Transform your planet with a Soil Regenerator Powered by Nature

Accelerate Compost Production with SUPERSOIL

A compost accelerator contains microbial cultures and organic matter that speed up compost decomposition. It supercharges organic farming, providing faster composting by boosting microbial activity and improving the balance of nitrogen to carbon in compost piles. Slow breakdown rates reduce capacity and increase the operating costs of large scale composting facilities. Supersoil is lowering those costs and raising profits all over the world by helping to rapidly accelerate composting speeds.

Speed Up Decomposition Of Organic Matter For A Nutrient Rich Compost

Supersoil organic fertilizer provides a natural blend of organic matter and microorganisms that speed up decomposition and promote nutrient release. The result is faster composting, reduced odor, and a high quality humus for agriculture and gardens. It is 100% organic, so there are no damaging chemicals that leach into soil or pollute runoff. Supersoil’s unique combination of natural ingredients works to raise compost temperature, eliminating weeds, pathogens, and other pests like flies and rodents.

Supersoil Accelerates Compost Breakdown While Keeping Costs Low

Faster composting means greater efficiency in agriculture, and lower land management costs. However, some organic materials used to accelerate composting can be overly rich in nitrogen, which repels natural agents like worms that are an essential part of the process. Also, some commercial products contain harmful chemicals that cause damage to local ecosystems.

Supersoil contains a unique blend of microbial cultures, enzymes, and organic matter that accelerates the decomposition process naturally, without harmful chemicals. By enhancing microbial activity and nutrient availability, it produces faster composting without the need for costly inputs like synthetic fertilizers and additives. This makes it the cost-effective solution for improving soil health that is completely sustainable.

Accelerates Compost Breakdown
Improves Compost Quality
Reduces Rotten Eggs Smell
Increases Carbon Sequestration
Super Easy to Test and Scale
Globally Scalable Solution
Certified 100% Organic
238 reviews

“The compost pile was broken down in half the time“

Jim Turner


Based in Australia, Cathi’s was struggling to cope with the slow decomposition of organic matter in her compost heap, which led to a lack of nutrient-rich compost available for her gardening.

Determined to find a solution, Cathi turned to Supersoil as a compost accelerator, and the results she witnessed were astonishing. The once slow-decomposing pile transformed rapidly, thanks to Supersoil's potent formula.

She couldn’t believe the end outcome where Supersoil created a magnificent dark humus brimming with nutrients and teeming with beneficial microbes. This exceptional end product empowered Cathi to nurture her plants to vibrant health and beauty.



Based in sunny Florida, Peggy was becoming more and more frustrated with how difficult it was to cultivate the finest compost to nourish her garden and plants.

When Peggy decided to incorporate Supersoil as her compost accelerator, she couldn’t believe the thriving population of worms that emerged in her compost mere weeks after its application.

Worms play a crucial role in composting by breaking down organic matter, aerating the compost pile, and enriching it with valuable nutrients. Their presence indicates a healthy and thriving compost ecosystem, leading to faster decomposition and the production of nutrient-rich compost which was ideal for nourishing plants in Peggy’s garden.



Scott, a seasoned gardener from Ireland, had long been grappling with the slow decomposition of his compost. Despite his extensive experience with various composting techniques, it typically took him an entire year to break down the organic materials in his compost bay. His composting process included a mix of biochar, volcanic rock dust, leaves, straw, vegetable scraps, grass clippings, and cardboard. Frustrated by the lengthy decomposition time, Scott sought a more efficient solution to accelerate this process.

In January, Scott decided to experiment with Supersoil, a product he had heard could enhance composting efficiency. He applied Supersoil to his compost bay, which consisted of his usual organic materials. Supersoil is designed to stimulate microbial activity and expedite the breakdown of organic matter. Scott hoped that this product could significantly reduce the time required to produce rich, usable compost.

By May, just five months after starting his experiment with Supersoil, Scott was astonished by the results. The decomposition process, which previously took a year, was now completed in less than half that time. The use of Supersoil had triggered an explosion of bacterial activity within his compost bay, dramatically accelerating the breakdown of organic matter. This remarkable improvement not only saved Scott time but also provided him with high-quality compost much faster than he ever anticipated. The efficiency of Supersoil transformed his composting routine, showcasing its effectiveness in enhancing microbial activity and speeding up compost production.


Super Simple Process

Step 1 - Proof
Step 1 - Proof
Put Supersoil to the test in a no risk trial - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Step 2 - Partner
Step 2 - Partner
We agree a long term Win Win partnership to supply you Supersoil each month.
Step 3 - Progress
Step 3 - Progress
Enjoy all the professional & personal rewards that come from making a great decision.

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5 star customer rating