Transform Your Planet

With a Carbon Sink Powered by Nature
Transform your planet with a Soil Regenerator Powered by Nature

Cool Our Overheating Planet with SUPERSOIL

Carbon Sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide to mitigate climate change. Organic fertilisers like Supersoil assist in carbon capture and sequestration by increasing the presence of organic content and microorganisms in soil. Carbon is absorbed by soil microorganisms and converted into stable organic compounds. This process, known as soil carbon sequestration, effectively locks carbon in the ground, reducing its concentration in the atmosphere.

Harnessing Organic fertilisers and Carbon Sequestration

Healthier soils start with better land management, which includes newly developed organic fertilisers to boost soil health. These enhance the capacity of soil to sequester carbon and help climate change mitigation. We already have the technologies to fight climate change and improve agricultural yields without causing further environmental damage. We just need to adopt better farming practices and promote the use of proven organic fertilisers like Supersoil.

Supersoil is the Solution to Fight Climate Change and Save the Planet

Supersoil is an organic fertiliser that has been specially developed to improve the microbial health of sick, depleted soils in any environment. Used in farmland all over the world to restore soil quality and improve soil carbon sequestration, Supersoil is the number one, large-scale solution that improves nutrient depleted, poor quality soils everywhere.

Remove Carbon from Atmosphere
Accelerates Carbon Sequestration
Practical Turnkey Solution
Super Easy to Test and Scale
Huge Carbon Credit Potential
Globally Scalable Solution
Certified 100% Organic
238 reviews

Super Simple Process

Step 1 - Proof
Step 1 - Proof
Put Supersoil to the test in a no risk trial - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Step 2 - Partner
Step 2 - Partner
We agree a long term Win Win partnership to supply you Supersoil each month.
Step 3 - Progress
Step 3 - Progress
Enjoy all the professional & personal rewards that come from making a great decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

5 star customer rating