Supersoil is currently in the developing stages of assessing its contribution towards carbon capture. Trials are ongoing and we will be issuing our findings in due course.

We aim to capture and store carbon from various sources, mitigating the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. 

  • Organic Fertiliser & Soil Regeneration

    Supersoil will help you reduce or even eliminate the need for chemical fertilisers while restoring natural fertility to your soil.

    Learn More 
  • Biogas Production & Waste Transformation

    Supersoil will help you maximise Biogas production and speed up your composting anaerobic and aerobic digestion.

    Learn More 
  • Carbon Capture & Global Sustainability

    Supersoil will help you draw down huge quantities of carbon from the atmosphere which in turn cools the planet.

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1 van 3

Independent Scientific Testing

0 %
More Beneficial Bacteria
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More Beneficial Fungi
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More Beneficial Protists

You're just a spray away

From productive, healthy soil

  • Step 1- MIX

    Dissolve Supersoil by mixing in a bucket of cold water

  • Step 2 - POUR

    Pour mix into a sprayer full of water and agitate

  • Step 3 - SPRAY

    Spray as close to the soil as as possible

Application Rate: 1 KG/ 250 Litres/ 1 Hectare Max

Buy SUPERSOIL direct from the people who make it

Why choose Supersoil?

How does Supersoil contribute to carbon capture?

Supersoil plays a significant role in carbon capture through a natural process called carbon sequestration. The organic matter in Supersoil, such as composted plant materials, helps retain carbon dioxide from the atmosphere within the soil. This stored carbon not only enriches the soil's fertility but also aids in mitigating climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

Can using Supersoil in my garden really make a difference in carbon capture?

Absolutely! By using Supersoil in your gardening endeavors, you're actively participating in carbon capture efforts. As plants grow in Supersoil-enriched environments, they absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and store it within their tissues. When plants eventually decompose, the carbon-rich organic matter enters the soil, where it can be sequestered for extended periods. Over time, this collective effort across gardens can contribute to a measurable reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

Are there specific plants or practices that enhance Supersoil's carbon capture potential?

While Supersoil itself is designed to promote carbon capture, there are practices that can maximise its effectiveness. Planting a diverse range of vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and cover crops, can amplify carbon sequestration. Additionally, avoiding excessive tilling or disturbance of the soil can help preserve the organic matter and prevent carbon release. Regularly adding compost and mulch to your garden can also enhance the soil's capacity to capture and retain carbon.

How does Supersoil's carbon capture benefit the environment beyond my garden?

The carbon capture facilitated by Supersoil has broader environmental implications. By sequestering carbon in the soil, Supersoil aids in reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is a key driver of climate change. This, in turn, supports the overall health of ecosystems, contributes to soil fertility, and helps maintain biodiversity. So, while you're enriching your garden with Supersoil, you're also making a positive impact on the planet by participating in carbon capture and climate mitigation.