Why Supersoil?

Supersoil contains an abundance of healthy soil microbes which break down the organic matter transforming and transporting the essential nutrients to the plants. This nutrient cycle improves the soil structure and fertility.

The Supersoil Difference

Works to restore a balanced soil ecosystem

Supersoil supports plant growth by first restoring the soil microbiome

Supersoil heals the soil so everything within it flourishes

  • Certified 100% Organic

  • Scientifically Tested & Proven

  • Vegan & Cruelty-Free

  • Healthy Soil

    Supersoil restores the life and fertility to your soil. A grower’s #1 responsibility is to improve the soil for future generations.

  • Healthy Crops

    Supersoil restores the life and fertility to your soil. A grower’s #1 responsibility is to improve the soil for future generations.

  • Healthy Profits

    By restoring your soil to full health you break the addiction to chemical junk food fertilisers and save yourself a fortune.

Transform your Compost with Supersoil

Supersoil can significantly enhance the composting process by enriching the nutrient content and microbial activity in the compost, resulting in faster decomposition and nutrient-rich soil amendment.

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Transform your Slurry with Supersoil

Adding Supersoil to slurry applications has shown remarkable benefits, empowering farmers to cultivate healthier crops, minimise environmental impacts and improve overall agricultural sustainability.

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Produce even more Biogas with Supersoil

Supersoil is very easy to apply, resulting in a rapid increase in methane production and from that point forward you will permanently improve the profitability of your anaerobic digester once you continue to apply Supersoil.

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Transform your Digestate with Supersoil

Supersoil is an innovative agricultural product that can significantly benefit the management of digestate, a byproduct of the anaerobic digestion process used to break down organic materials into biogas and nutrient-rich residues.

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Independent Scientific Testing

0 %
More Beneficial Bacteria
0 %
More Beneficial Fungi
0 %
More Beneficial Protists

Witness the power of Supersoil

Pak Choi seeds were split into two pots. The pot on the left received a few drops of Supersoil while the pot on the right received none. No other fertiliser was applied to either sample. This photograph was taken just 30 days later.

You're just a spray away

From productive, healthy soil

  • Step 1- MIX

    Dissolve Supersoil by mixing in a bucket of cold water

  • Step 2 - POUR

    Pour mix into a sprayer full of water and agitate

  • Step 3 - SPRAY

    Spray as close to the soil as as possible

Application Rate: 1 KG/ 250 Litres/ 1 Hectare Max

Buy SUPERSOIL direct from the people who make it

With and without Supersoil

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Why choose Supersoil?

How does Supersoil help reduce waste generation?

Supersoil is designed to enhance the quality of soil, making it more fertile and nutrient-rich. By improving soil health, it enables better plant growth and can lead to increased composting and organic waste recycling. This, in turn, reduces the amount of organic waste sent to landfills, contributing to a decrease in waste generation.

Can Supersoil be used in urban areas to reduce waste generation?

Yes, Supersoil can be particularly beneficial in urban settings. Urban areas often generate significant amounts of organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings. By using Supersoil to create healthier urban gardens and green spaces, individuals and communities can effectively manage and utilise organic waste, diverting it from landfills and reducing waste generation.

How does Supersoil support sustainable agriculture and waste reduction?

Supersoil improves soil structure and nutrient content, making it ideal for agriculture. When farmers use Supersoil, they can achieve higher crop yields with less reliance on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. By promoting sustainable farming practices, Supersoil helps reduce the environmental impact of conventional agriculture, including the generation of agricultural waste.

Can Supersoil help with waste reduction in construction and landscaping projects?

Yes, Supersoil can play a role in waste reduction during construction and landscaping projects. By using Supersoil for soil remediation and landscaping purposes, builders and developers can improve the quality of disturbed soils, reducing the need to dispose of or replace them. This minimises the waste generated during construction and contributes to more sustainable land use practices.

Ending Chemical Corruption

100% Organic Certified

Supersoil is certified by the Irish Organic Association ( Ref: 8147 ) as a 100% organic and natural product. It is acceptable for use under EU organic systems and is also suitable for global export.

Supersoil's elite microbes are not genetically modified in any way while the growth booster is a 100% natural product that’s the equivalent of 20 tons of organic compost.

As Supersoil contains no animal by-products it is suitable for vegan farming and growing systems. Supersoil can also be used by non-organic farmers to dramatically reduce their use of chemical fertilisers.